The organized unit of United Women in Faith shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.
The Cunningham United Women in Faith meet every third Tuesday of each month in the Gathering Place at 9:30 a.m. for socializing followed by a 10:00 a.m. meeting.
The women of Cunningham United Methodist Church. Women of all denominations may be in UWF.
Recent 2023 activities have included a speaker from Meals on Wheels, a visit to the Lavender Farm and Chair Yoga with Mary Andersen from Ivy Rehab, followed by a lunch at Wahoo BBQ, etc.
UWF conducts a Fall Bazaar on the second Saturday in November each year. Featured items include a handmade quilt, crafts and baked goods made by church members. Proceeds from the Bazaar are sent yearly to the following:
Habitat for Humanity, Meals on Wheels, Lake Monticello Fire & Rescue, FCSS (Fluvanna Christian Service Society) Spring Garden, Ronald McDonald House, SARA (Sexual Assault Resource Agency)MACAA(Monticello Area Community Action Agency),PACEM (,UMCOR(United Methodist Committee on Relief), Imagine no Malaria, Compassion International, and to support our annual Pledge to the National Organization that helps support national and international mission institutions supporting women, children and youth.
For more information about the Cunningham UWF, please contact:
United Women in Faith
The Cunningham United Women in Faith meet every third Tuesday of each month in the Gathering Place at 9:30 a.m. for socializing followed by a 10:00 a.m. meeting.
The women of Cunningham United Methodist Church. Women of all denominations may be in UWF.
Recent 2023 activities have included a speaker from Meals on Wheels, a visit to the Lavender Farm and Chair Yoga with Mary Andersen from Ivy Rehab, followed by a lunch at Wahoo BBQ, etc.
UWF conducts a Fall Bazaar on the second Saturday in November each year. Featured items include a handmade quilt, crafts and baked goods made by church members. Proceeds from the Bazaar are sent yearly to the following:
Habitat for Humanity, Meals on Wheels, Lake Monticello Fire & Rescue, FCSS (Fluvanna Christian Service Society) Spring Garden, Ronald McDonald House, SARA (Sexual Assault Resource Agency) MACAA (Monticello Area Community Action Agency), PACEM (, UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief), Imagine no Malaria, Compassion International, and to support our annual Pledge to the National Organization that helps support national and international mission institutions supporting women, children and youth.
For more information about the Cunningham UWF, please contact:
Charleene Frazier
Mary Whalen: